Threads Task Manager

#017 Threads Task Manager

For the electric car project, I wanted an application that would allow me to plan out each aspect (or thread) of the project, such as brakes or batteries, and plan out each step required for each thread. I first tried to make a JavaFX application that created a flowchart looking UI where you could write in tasks that needed to be done. It wasn't great. Mostly, it just had a lot of bugs, and it would have taken a long time to give the application the functionality and fluidity I wanted it to have.

The new HTML application does everything I need, however. It separates tasks into three categories based on their current state. This way, I can easily figure out what I need to work on, as well as plan out what I will work on in the future. It is designed for smaller projects with just one person, or for the leader of a smaller scale project.


  • Create Threads - lists of tasks to complete an aspect of a project.
  • Create Tasks - individual items to do.
  • Blocking Tasks - any task can be blocked by any other task.
  • Target Dates - Tasks can have a target completion date that is listed under them in a humanized format.
  • Saves to Cookies (LocalStorage) and to JSON
  • Multi-project support

Future Plans

  • Re-write in Svelte. Currently in vanilla.

I save the file as just a plain HTML file and open it in chrome. It automatically saves your data to LocalStorage, but you can also download/upload a JSON file if you choose. You may download a zip file with all required files here. Just unzip and open the file 'app.html'. I also made a shortcut so I can open the app from the desktop.

Here's what the application looks like when used with a multi-threaded project. (Old version without multi-project support)

Unable to load threads/big.jpg
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