3D Printed Mousetrap

#011 3D Printed Mousetrap

At one point, our house had a mouse issue. Not wanting our family to have to wait the days until the mousetraps from Amazon arrived, I figured it might be fun to design and test a humane mousetrap. Starting with a CAD Model I quickly printed a test prototype. It works by having two magnets hold the board horizontal until the weight of the mouse overcomes the strength of the magnets and falls into the bucket below.
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The trap automatically resets itself, because the weight of the magnet pulls the board upright.
Unable to load mousetrap/IMG_3982.JPG
Unable to load mousetrap/IMG_3984.JPG
When I awoke the next morning, it had worked! Engineering saves the day once again.

Sadly, the dog learned of the ploy, and began licking the peanut butter from the trap. Oh well...
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