Recent Updates

Last UpdateTitle
2/1/2025 -   Automatic Wi-Fi Shades
12/20/2023 -   Drink Machine
9/29/23 -   Autonomous Mower Planning
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About Me
Hi! I am Forrest, and this is my website! I invite you to click around and check out my different projects. They span from a short little endeavour like the 3D printed mousetrap to my Electric car conversion. Not everything is as up to date as I would like, so forgive the inconsistencies date wise.

I am currently a Senior at the University of Maryland, College Park, studying Electrical Engineering.
My LinkedIn!

All Projects

ProjectDate UpdatedTags
Automatic Wi-Fi Shades2/1/20253D PrintingCADIOTMechanicalMicrocontrollers
Drink Machine12/20/20233D PrintingCADElectronicsIOTMechanicalMicrocontrollers
Autonomous Mower Planning9/29/23Purely Software
Smart Lamps9/16/23CADElectronicsIOTMicrocontrollers
E-Miata9/16/233D PrintingBatteriesCADElectronicsMechanicalMicrocontrollersPCBs
Calplus9/10/23Purely Software
Battery Mgmt. PCB9/6/23BatteriesElectronicsMicrocontrollersPCBs
Resonance in E-Miata6/4/23MechanicalPurely Software
E-Bike (V2,V3,V4)10/1/223D PrintingBatteriesCADElectronicsMechanicalMicrocontrollers
Schedule Uploader9/1/22Purely Software
True Arduino Multithreading11/30/21MicrocontrollersPurely Software
Autonomous Airplane4/12/21BatteriesElectronicsMechanical
DIY Nerf GunUnknown3D PrintingElectronicsMechanical
Threads Task ManagerUnknownPurely Software
Arduino Timed EventsUnknownMicrocontrollersPurely Software
DIY Spot WelderUnknownBatteriesElectronics
OrbUnknownPurely Software
CheckMCPSUnknownPurely Software
3D Printed MousetrapUnknown3D PrintingCADMechanical
E-BikeUnknown3D PrintingBatteriesCADElectronicsMechanicalMicrocontrollers

Uhh... click here for the Wire Gauge Calculator... it isn't that interesting I just wanted to host it somewhere.

Guess what? I made this website. Check it and many of my other projects on my github.